
Fornasetti presenta: A dialogue around women’s silence

18 November 2019
Fornasetti presenta: A dialogue around women’s silence
opening: 25 November, 2019, 19:00

Corso Venezia 21/A (corner via Senato)

In occasione della Giornata internazionale per l’eliminazione della violenza contro le donne, lunedì 25 novembre Fornasetti ospita un dialogo attorno al silenzio femminile presso il suo store milanese di corso Venezia.

Un viaggio in quel “tacere”, imposto e subìto, raccontato attraverso le parole di: Nicoletta Polla-Mattiot, giornalista del Sole 24 Ore e autrice del libro “FEMMINILE SINGOLARE. Perché le donne devono fare silenzio”, edizioni Mimesis, e Stefano Raimondi, poeta e autore di “SOLTANTO VIVE. 59 monologhi”, edizioni Mimesis.

Raffaella Calandra, giornalista di Radio 24, dialogherà con gli autori.

L’iniziativa rientra in “Fornasetti presenta”, rassegna dedicata dall’atelier milanese al dialogo fra le diverse forme d’espressione artistica, dalla letteratura alla performance, dalla poesia all’arte visiva, dalla musica al design.


Fornasetti presenta: S/Oggetti parziali by Carlo Dell’Acqua

“Fornasetti Presenta” is the new multi-purpose art space jointly created by Barnaba Fornasetti, artistic director of the atelier, and Valeria Manzi, the co-curator of cultural projects. A space where Fornasetti’s world mingles with other art forms.

23 September 2019

Fornasetti presents the new edition of the Piatto Calendario

Fornasetti’s Piatto Calendario is a tradition dating back to 1967, when Piero Fornasetti designed the first limited-edition New Year plate to be given as a Christmas gift to friends and devoted customers.  Fornasetti dedicates its annual Piatto Calendario to Ludwig van Beethoven and his Third Symphony, the Eroica, which, more than any of his works, […]

6 December 2019


Starting Monday 18 May the Fornasetti store in Milan at 21A Corso Venezia will reopen its doors. Thanks to our personalised consultancy service via email and telephone, you can also enjoy the Fornasetti ambiance from your own home, anywhere in the world.

Fornasetti implemented this service to offer a more comfortable and exclusive shopping experience.

15 May 2020

United with the World: Fornasetti and CBM Onlus against Covid-19

Fornasetti supports the international “Covid-19 Emergency” charity campaign of CBM Italia Onlus, standing side by side with the most vulnerable. YOU CAN ORDER THE PLATE HERE. Alongside Barnaba Fornasetti are Filippa Lagerbäck, who has been an Ambassador of CBM Italia Onlus for years, and photographer Settimio Benedusi. Together they tell the story of an initiative […]

1 October 2020


From September 28 to October 11 Fornasetti is taking part in the digital edition of NOMAD, presenting the vintage Venetian blind Soli e Lune. NOMAD Virtual Destination Palais Bulles is an online event created in collaboration with the Phillips auction house. A virtual destination for private sales of art and design, with a selection inspired […]

28 September 2020